Tips To Prevent Loneliness

A whole lot of active adults don’t like the idea of going to live in places just like Assisted Living Decatur. To them, this assisted living Decatur arrangement is not the ideal method to live, simply because they have a belief that it is a very lonely and also isolated method to exist. Well, we think otherwise. We say that loneliness is a state of mind. You don’t have to be lonely if you don’t want to, yet it’s up to you to take those necessary measures and reach out to others. In a place just like Assisted Living Decatur home, we’ll show you what to do to throw loneliness out the window!
1. Make an effort to talk to your fellow residents – There’s a saying that goes, share a seat and win a friend. Well, this ought to be your mantra. You’re a lot more than sharing a seat, you’re also sharing a whole new home, hence there isn’t any reason on earth why you can’t be...READ MORE HERE

FREE Forms for your Business

Each week starting this next week, I will be uploading blank FORMS that you may find useful in your Adult Family Care Home Business. I will upload at least one a week. You may download these forms to use as you wish in your business. They may be forms for admission, charting, Policies, etc. These are all forms that I created for my business and have been used by many others that I have networked and shared with.
Stay Tuned :)
I look forward to sharing useful tools and info with all of you business owners ♥
If you want to make sure to get in on receiving these "Forms", you can send me an email at and put 'Forms" in the subject line :) I will send you each form as I publish it :)
Be sure to tell your AFH friends and associates about the FREE forms and other Helpful tools and info I will be posting weekly.

Animals As Therapy

The club room in a suburban nursing home gradually filled up with elderly women and one old gent. Some came laboriously into the room on walkers,others used canes, but most entered slowly on their own steam. They didn't talk much to each other and one gray haired woman promptly fell asleep. Despite the best efforts of the group leader to interest them in a forthcoming outing or a visitor who had dropped in, most of the people were obviously bored. One more day in the nursing home; one more hour of their lives running out of the hourglass.
And then Vivian arrived with the animals. She brought two cute puppies, four furry rabbits and a cage of baby rats. The dogs ran into the room and instantly the atmosphere changed. There were loud welcomes and huge smiles. Several women held out their arms to the animals, waiting to receive one on their laps. The puppies walked around the room, sniffing someone's shoe, playing with a rubber ball and finally found two women who wanted to stroke their heads. Vivian distributed the rabbits to several waiting members. Two women who were approached rejected the animals and seemed even afraid of them, but giggled nervously at their own reaction. Even those who didn't hold a rabbit, dog or baby rat on their finger, however, were fascinated by the antics of the animals and followed every move.

The room had suddenly come alive. Everyone had some advice to give or a story to relate from their own past experience with animals. They made jokes and pointed out where "those critters" had gone. The participants observed excitedly as the animals jumped off the elderly people's laps, lapped up water, or ate a yogurt. The lone gentleman was gently feeding a rat some ....Read More Here

Olympics At Your Adult Family Home

Heres a great idea for an activity in your Adult Family Care Home, especially with the spring and summer months coming.

The Olympics…
It’s time for the grandest event in the history of your care home — The Olympics. Many events can be completed indoors but you may want to include some outdoor games

Equipment needed:

Flip-chart with pad and marker pens to keep score
Bean bags
Target boards and floor mats Tape measure
Other games you can come up with

1. Divide into teams of two’s
2. Each team should choose a country or team name
3. Then start the fun, remembering to keep score
For all events ensure it’s fair — everyone should sit if there is anyone in a wheelchair
Count up scores and give awards (its best that everyone receive an award)

Games you can play:
Bean Bag Toss
Pushing a ball to a finish line with a broom
Folding Towels-socks
Keeping Balloon in air
Come up with games that fit your group of residents