Olympics At Your Adult Family Home

Heres a great idea for an activity in your Adult Family Care Home, especially with the spring and summer months coming.

The Olympics…
It’s time for the grandest event in the history of your care home — The Olympics. Many events can be completed indoors but you may want to include some outdoor games

Equipment needed:

Flip-chart with pad and marker pens to keep score
Bean bags
Target boards and floor mats Tape measure
Other games you can come up with

1. Divide into teams of two’s
2. Each team should choose a country or team name
3. Then start the fun, remembering to keep score
For all events ensure it’s fair — everyone should sit if there is anyone in a wheelchair
Count up scores and give awards (its best that everyone receive an award)

Games you can play:
Bean Bag Toss
Pushing a ball to a finish line with a broom
Folding Towels-socks
Keeping Balloon in air
Come up with games that fit your group of residents